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Opt for more freedom with Dim Protect menstrual panties

Gone are the days of sanitary towels and tampons, Dim accompanies you in your quest for freedom with the launch of the Dim Protect range, menstrual panties and shorties for a feeling of renewed well-being during your period. Find your smile and be finally free of all constraints with the Dim Protect menstrual panties. Revolutionary, the Dim Protect menstrual panties are washable and ensure a protection from 8h to 12h throughout your period cycle, are totally absorbent and prevent any smell! Composed of 4 layers of fabrics, these menstrual panties are ultra comfortable and guaranteed to stop leakage and odors thanks to its first layer in very soft draining cotton for a dry sensation, its second very absorbent layer, its third waterproof layer to avoid the leakage and finally its last layer which neutralizes the odors. As with your classic panties, choose your usual size for your menstrual panties (also called sanitary panties or period panties). If you don't know your size, refer to our Size Guide to find the menstrual panty that fits you best! Our menstrual panty sizes range from 36 to 50. And don't worry, if this is your first time trying them, these period panties are guaranteed to be very absorbent and provide top protection all day or night long! Many women have tested and approved DIM Protect period pants.

The Dim Protect period panties: comfortable and trendy

Whether it's briefs, shorties, high-waisted panties or menstrual thongs, you can choose from several products before choosing the right menstrual panties for you, but the important thing is that they are adapted to your flow. You should know that our model "average flow" corresponds to 2 normal tampons and that our model "heavy flow" refers to 3 normal tampons. The latter is generally used for the night when the flow is heavier. Concerning the maintenance of the panties, it is very simple. Rinse them abundantly with cold water then wash it in the machine on 30°C. Be comfortable in your women's underwear and choose the ultra soft Dim Protect period panties, for an optimal comfort! Beyond the leakage that we all apprehend, there is also the economic and durability aspect to take into account. Just think of all the sanitary napkins and tampons we use in our lifetime that end up in a landfill or in the toilet! And how much that adds to your annual budget. And let's not forget the practical aspect, as period panties are less restrictive than menstrual cups. In the end, washable menstrual pants are more cost effective and a great choice for the planet. Become a citizen of the environment by adopting DIM Protect menstrual panties and stop throwing your pads in the garbage, because let's not forget, the best waste is the one we don't produce!

Make great savings this year by buying a Dim Protect menstrual panty that is ecological, economical and trendy! Moreover, Dim is associated with the association Care which facilitates access to hygienic products, facilities and services to women in Madagascar.